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Mental Health & Wellbeing

Healthy Minds, Thriving Workplaces: A FREE, 6-part webinar series for HR and business leaders

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Join us for Webinar 3: Implementing Mental Health Initiatives 

Date: August 14, 2024
Time: 12:15 – 1:00PM AEST

Join us for an insightful webinar, “Implementing Mental Health Initiatives,” designed to empower leaders and HR professionals with practical strategies to enhance workplace mental health.  We will cover the essentials of mental health initiatives, their significance, and how to customise them to fit your organisation’s unique needs.  Gain valuable insights into developing, implementing, and evaluating effective programs, with real-world examples and best practices.  Leave with actionable tools to foster a supportive and thriving work environment.  Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your organisation’s approach to mental health!

Whether you’re an HR manager, team leader, workplace wellbeing coordinator, or business owner, this webinar equips you with the knowledge and tools to create a safer, healthier, and more supportive work environment for your team.  Register now to secure your spot!

Once you’ve registered, the webinar link will be emailed to you a few days prior to the event.

About Healthy Minds, Thriving Workplaces

This is webinar one in our free Healthy Minds, Thriving Workplaces series.  Elevate your workplace culture with our accessible, lunchtime webinar series focused on fostering mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.  From understanding psychosocial hazards, to building a supportive work culture and sustaining mental health initiatives, each webinar offers practical insights and strategies for HR managers, business leaders and owners, and wellbeing coordinators.

Join us on a journey to create a mentally healthy workplace where employees thrive.  Register now to gain invaluable knowledge and tools to transform your organisation’s culture and prioritise employee wellbeing.

These monthly webinars will be run on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, from June to November, 2024.  As we specialise in the SE Queensland market, sessions will be run from 12:15 – 1:00PM AEST.  Each session will be presented by our founders and lead facilitators, Dr Simone Shaw (Clinical Psychologist & Clinical Neuropsychologist) and Miriam Henke (Health Psychologist).  As highly experienced psychologists and executive coaches, we will share our deep knowledge and insight on workplace mental health, covering each topic over approx. 30 minutes, and allowing for 10 minutes of Q&A.

Flood Recovery Support

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The recent floods in South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales have devastated the community.  Being psychologically prepared when a disaster is threatening can help people feel more confident, more in control and better able to make effective emergency plans.  It can also help to reduce the psychological distress and longer-term mental health problems that can result from the trauma of being involved in disasters.  The attached information sheets developed by the Australian Psychological Society outline some useful skills that will help with disaster preparedness and recovery.


Natural Disasters

Support for Children with Learning Difficulties

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The APS has released a series of information sheets to assist parents and students with the strategies to support students with learning difficulties during the e-learning phase and within the classroom environment.  We hope you find this information informative and helpful.

General Information

Primary School Series

Secondary School Series






Support for New Mums Anxious about Coronavirus

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Dr Shaw knows first hand the stress of having a newborn baby during these uncertain times with the birth of her third son during the COVID-19 pandemic.  With her first two children, Simone relished the fourth trimester (that is, the postnatal period) by meeting other new mothers at cafes, parks and libraries to chat all things babies.  However, government restrictions have prevented new mothers the opportunity for emotional and physical nourishment and care that they crave and deserve during this time.  Physical distancing does not mean social isolation.  You are not alone and there are virtual and face to face support options still available to new mothers to help them navigate this precious, but demanding phase of their motherhood journeys.  Sure Psychology offers face to face and telehealth appointments to suit your needs.  Contact us to discuss your specific needs or to make an appointment.

For further advice and support:

COVID-19 Telehealth Psychological Services Now Available

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From Monday 30 March 2020 until 31 December 2021 all Australians are eligible to receive a rebate from Medicare for psychological services delivered via Telehealth (i.e., videoconference or telephone).  Rebates are available for clients referred by their GP or Psychiatrist under the Better Access to Mental Health Care Scheme.

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Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD)

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As technology usage continues to increase, problematic internet use has become an increasingly prominent issue worldwide.  Problematic or pathological internet usage, which is also referred to as Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD), is characterised by excessive time spent engaging in non-work internet-related activities.  IAD is also characterised by a loss of control over internet-related behaviours, and/or an excessive preoccupation with internet-based activities.  This disorder affects all age groups and stages of life.

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Managing Stress

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Building Emotional Resilience Through Yoga and Psychology Workshop Series

After a successful launch in 2015, Simone partnered with Clayfield Yoga to present a series of workshops focusing on Building Emotional Resilience through Yoga and Psychology.  Throughout these workshops participants experienced a combination of yoga and meditation techniques as well as proven lifestyle strategies to help increase motivation, reduce stress and make positive life choices. Overcoming life’s challenges is not always easy!  Simone is a member of the APS Psychology and Yoga and APS Psychology and Complementary Therapies Interest Groups and is passionate about collaborating with other health care practitioners in order to assist individuals overcome their mental health challenges.

The Importance of Having Purpose and Direction

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Do you find it easy to know what you want, know where you want to be and how you’re going to get there?  Some people have a clear sense of purpose and direction in their life and they just seem to be able to find the motivation and perseverance to turn their goals and dreams into reality.  This is an interesting article and TED talk based on research investigating the relationship between having a strong sense of purpose and direction and longevity.

It might be time to take stock of your life to ensure you have a sense of purpose and direction to help you stay motivated towards your goals; provide you with direction; help you to become resilient in the face of adversity and remain optimistic when faced with challenges.

You Are What You Eat

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It is widely known that what we eat effects our physical health and wellbeing, that is, you are what you eat.  Our bodies are machines and the fuel that we put into them determines how well they function.  If we eat dirty fuel (i.e., high fat, sugar, processed foods) then it is not surprising that we can feel sluggish, tired and cranky.

Although I am not a nutritionist, I know that there are some foods that I eat that affect my mood.  My general philosophy is if you experience any physical (e.g., bloating, diarrhoea, constipation), mental (e.g., difficulty concentrating) or emotional (e.g., irritable) symptoms after eating certain foods, then your body is telling you loud and clear that you should probably avoid these foods.

I’m excited to be part of the nutrition and mental health revolution where psychologists and nutritionist are now working collaborative to assist clients with improving their mood by understanding the intricate relationship between nutrition and mental health.

The Nourished Psychologist is a great resource written by a clinical psychologist who is currently studying nutritional medicine and provides invaluable information to improve your physical and mental health and wellbeing.  This is an interesting article on the link between gluten and mental health.


Why is Sleep Important and How Can I Improve Mine?

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One of the most important things that we do everyday is sleep.  When we are stressed, anxious or depressed, then the amount and quality of sleep we get is often lacking and disrupted.  It’s important to highlight that sleep disturbance is a very common phenomenon when we are stressed due to conscious and subconscious worrying.  It’s important to understand the importance of sleep and then adopt some strategies to assist with improving your sleep if you are currently experiencing difficulties.

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